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Regional Investment Opportunity in the Rocky Mountains

Rockies Wyoming Fund

Wyoming is a state full of natural beauty and natural resources.  With a population of just 580,000 it hosts a growing startup ecosystem with a host of fintench, Web3, life science, and other tech firms.



Wyoming is a land of opportunity, rich in natural resources and beautiful places.  The state also boasts great startups in tech, blockchain, life science, tourism and CPG. Our goal is to keep Wyoming companies in Wyoming by providing capital, networks, strategic support and more, so that companies have no reason to move to the coasts to meet their needs.


  • Mobilize Wyoming capital from local investors who seek high returns and tax advantaged investments.

  • Invest in Wyoming companies to grow the state's economy with high paying tech jobs.

  • Support Wyoming startup founders and grow the Wyoming startup ecosystem.

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Fund Construction

The Rockies Wyoming Fund is created to provide Limited Partners with the most returns in the shortest possible time while balancing risk with a diversified portfolio.

  • $10 million target fund size, $2.5 million first close

  • 12-20 companies in the portfolio

  • ~50% of Fund Reserved for Follow-on Investments

  • Ten years to close the fund with up to two one year extensions

  • Three Year Investment Period

  • Co-Investment Opportunities for Limited Partners

  • 2% initial management fee, reducing to 1.5% and 20% carried interest

Join the Rockies Wyoming Fund as a Limited Partner

The Rockies Wyoming Fund is open for investment from individuals, family offices and corporate entities.

Get Started:

  • Obtain password from RWF

  • Download and review private Investor Subscription Materials

  • Complete subscription booklet and DocuSign

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Our Team.

The Rockies Wyoming Fund team has many years of experience in early stage investing with literally hundreds of investments made.   With backgrounds in finance, technology, government and startups, this team is ready to evaluate and invest in the best deals.


 Alex Muromcew

(307) 690-0968


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